Arts Learning

AAEC believes that the arts are an important part of every student’s life.


IMPROVE READING COMPREHENSION     Young children who engage in the dramatic enactment of stories and text improve their reading comprehension, story understanding and ability to read new materials. The effects are even more significant in children who are economically disadvantaged and those with reading difficulties in the early and middle grades. Source: Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development

DEVELOP 21st  CENTURY SKILLS     If Alaska students are to be ready, well equipped and competitive for 21st Century jobs and careers, they will need the employer requested skills and habits of mind that are taught and practiced in the arts. Source: Critical Evidence: How the Arts Benefit Student Achievement

INCREASE MOTIVATION and APTITUDE FOR LEARNING     Recent brain research studies show teaching through the arts motivates children and increases their aptitude for learning. Source: Eric Jensen, Arts with the Brain in Mind, 2001, ASCD

LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD Students of lower socioeconomic status gain as much or more from arts instruction than those of higher socioeconomic status. James Catterall et al, 1999

PREVENT DROPOUTS The arts provide a reason – sometimes the only reason – for students who have been disengaged from schools to re-engage in educational and other community organizations. Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning

REDUCE DRUG USE Students who participate in school band or orchestra have the lowest levels of current and lifelong use of alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs of any group. H. Con. Res. 266, United States Senate, June 13, 2000


(2005 Harris Poll)

93% agree the arts are vital to providing a well-rounded education

86% agree arts education encourages and assists in the improvement of a child’s attitude towards school

83% believe that arts education helps teach children to communicate effectively with adults and peers