
Arts Ed Month 2024 Week 1: Family

CHALLENGE 1 – #Family!  #ARTS ED MONTH AK Alaska Arts Education Month is here!  We’re celebrating throughout March with a different Creativity Challenge each week.  Get inspired by the week’s theme to explore music, dance, theater, cultural arts, media arts, and...

March is Alaska Arts Education Month!

Happy Alaska Arts in Education Month! This month, we celebrate the arts in our schools! AAEC is planning a statewide celebration where students can make art by drawing, singing, dancing, acting, and share it with the rest of us. Each Sunday, we will release a new...

2024 Champions of Arts in Education announced!

Since 2012, the Champions of Arts in Education Award has honored individuals or organizations who promote high quality learning in and through the arts.
This award highlights the positive impact of the arts on the lives of our children and youth.
Please join us in recognizing the 2022-23 school year’s Champions: Savanna Strongheart and Rhianna Herbert.

AAEC’s new Rural Arts Initiative (RAI) Project

AAEC’s new Rural Arts Initiative (RAI) Project

What is the Rural Arts Initative (RAI) Rural Arts Initiative was a new endeavor of AAEC, with a plan to recruit 5 rural Alaskan districts to join us and work together to expand arts and cultural arts in their schools and communities.  We spread the word to smaller...
Data Project Summary and Description

Data Project Summary and Description

The Alaska Arts Education Consortium, together with support from other organizations in Alaska, applied for and received an NEA grant (April of 2022) to support the DATA Project. Or as is titled in the grant: Alaska Arts Education Data Project: A Collective Impact...

AAEC Celebrates #International Dot Day!

This slideshow requires JavaScript. Educators and kids across Alaska gathered to celebrate International Dot Day for the first Art Byte of the 2023-2024 school year! “International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration, began...