For 25 years Charlotte Fox has, in a variety of roles, made a remarkable, lasting imprint on arts education in Alaska. As the Executive Director of the Alaska State Council on the Arts, she professed and sustained the belief that “one day there were would be ARTS in every SCHOOL for every STUDENT every DAY in Alaska’. Throughout her tenure at ASCA, Charlotte worked toward this goal by simultaneously and successfully supporting arts agencies, artists, and arts organizations along with schools and districts. She assembled a committed, knowledgeable staff and core group of partners and supporters who continue to work to increase arts education across Alaska in a myriad of ways.
Charlotte Fox demonstrated over and over an abiding commitment to furthering and enriching arts experiences for all students and a willingness to take action to actualize her vision. It was through her dedication and leadership that in 2002, ten arts education leaders were brought together to create a vision which resulted in the formation of the Alaska Arts Education Consortium. After 11 years at the helm of ASCA, Charlotte retired, but continues to work for the arts and arts education every day. Her energy, optimism and forward thinking will long impact Alaska. Charlotte Fox deserves our heartfelt gratitude for being a true Champion on behalf of all Alaskan schools, all students, all teachers and all the arts – all the time.