Apr 5, 2019 | Champions, Front Page Features, News
The annual AAEC Champions of Arts in Education Award honors individuals and organizations from around the state, whose efforts in teaching and supporting the arts across the curriculum ensure that all of Alaska’s students learn in and through the arts. This year’s honorees are Claire Scott, Linnus Danner, Sharon Clavette, and Angie Chervenak.
Mar 10, 2018 | Champions, Front Page Features, News
Every year AAEC solicits nominations from across Alaska to honor ‘Alaska’s Champions of Arts in Education’ in four categories. There were many nominees this year and they are all worthy, but there are only four categories. This year’s honorees are Ginger Crockett, Sally Grimsrud, Lake Argus Siner, and Miah Lager.
Jan 21, 2020 | Champions, Front Page Features, News
AAEC annually honors individuals as Champions of Arts in Education. We believes these Champions carry the torch for arts education through high-caliber instruction, arts support, and ongoing arts promotion and support our mission “to promote learning in and through the arts for all Alaska students.”
May 27, 2017 | Champions, Front Page Features, News
AAEC Honors 7 Alaskans as Champions of the Arts for 2016!!
Jun 8, 2016 | Champions
AAEC Honors 7 Alaskans as Champions of the Arts for 2016!!
Oct 7, 2014 | Champions
Champion of the Arts Charlotte Fox was celebrated in early October 2014 at Blue Hollomon Gallery in Anchorage with a cupcake and lemonade toast, and a paper folding activity for all ages.